Saturday, May 08, 2004


Today was good, showed Zoey (yet again)
that pink was not the only colour. Justine
made my day though, this was because
her skin was a funny ashen shade and her
normally pristine hair was stuck to her head
with grease.
"So glad you made the effort today Justine!" I
trilled and Zoey clapped her hands together with the
pure pleasure of the moment.
"Fuck you." She mumbled, but later had to be sent
home on account of feeling ill. Must have been a really
late night for her to show up in such a state, really not
her style at all.
"Wonder what she was up too?" Said Zoey.
"Dunno, grave robbing? Satanic practices? Who
knows, but you can bet the Prince of Darkness is
involved somewhere on this one!"
"Who is he? Some new rock star?"
I just shook my head, irony is always wasted if
you have to explain.
Talking of explaining, that was all Jeff did yesterday.
Of course it all boiled down to being my fault! He
even talked tosh about being a weak man and who
could resist a beauty like Estelle?
"If you loved me, you could resist Helen of Troy!"
I am really glad that I am finished with him now, he is
a loser, he is weak. Ok maybe highly shaggable and
a funny, goodlooking guy but so? I am now certain I
am made for better things, Alan things (hopefully).
Checked my mail at my flat, nothing to report there.
Saw Sister-thing, still trying to wheedle Aunt Pat's
bike out of me! Cheeky cow!
Back at Alan's was dismayed to see a vase of fresh
flowers and a bowl of fruit.
Checked the bedroom and the duvet cover and sheets
had been changed. Blast. Who's been sleeping in my bed?
She was still there as well (not the bed) in the kitchen sipping
Earl Grey and looking all reflective and dainty.
"Hello Becka." She said politely.
"Hiya Pru, can you hand over your set of door keys please?"
"What? Alan gave me those keys, he can take them back!"
Her dark brows knitted together ferociously. I was not to
be deterred.
"Fine. I'll call DC Straw and say that I have an intruder, if
that is what you want."
"But I'm not an intruder! I have a right to be here! I water
the plants and look after everything, I am Alan's ex wife!"
"Ex being the important word there Pru, I hate to be rude
but can you just bugger off?" I'm too tired and too old to
worry about her precious feelings.
"I'll email Alan directly!" She stormed and threw the keys
down on the counter.
She also slammed the door as she left. Good.
Alan emailed later.

Miss you madly-really nice here, I'll take you sometime,
maybe christmas? Oh and don't think that I don't know all
about Pru, she was very quick to tell me. Is your tact
button turned off again? Like you anyway. Alan.

Bless-and he's thinking of the future, christmas, maybe we
will be in Avimore, skiing even!
Felt very much lifted and victorious.

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