Sunday, April 18, 2004


I once read somewhere that you might forget
the last time you slept with someone-but you
would always remember the first. This is so
true, I cannot believe that I have actually
slept with Alan and liked it! The first time was
a bit frantic and did'nt last long, then Alan
came into his own, so to speak! After about
the fourth time (I was getting worried by now)
I asked him:
"Tell me Al, are you very good at sex or have
you just not had any for a very long time?"
He made a rueful face.
"Well a bit of both really, I have'nt had sex
for, lets see, getting on for about two years."
"No way! I can manage a couple of months,
then I just have to go out an get someone. "
I really was shocked, how did he cope?
"I'm not like that, I only want to have sex with
people I have feelings for." He looked at me with
his piercing dark eyes.
"No Alan, I don't want to hear any love-stuff now,
I'm not that kind of girl." I warned.
"Well, maybe not today but I really need
to get a few things off my chest!"
"So do I! Get off (he was on top of me at the
time) I want to be the daddy! I'm going to ride
you like a horse boy!"
" Such sweet love murmurings." He grumbled,
but he had a funny little half smile.
Physically we are similar, long, gangly and thin,
I bet a whole bunch of money that I would
have bruises on my hip bones tomorrow. But it
was worth it. I don't know how I feel about
Alan, he's definately is sexier then I first thought,
but boyfriend material? Who knows, I just knew
that I was enjoying him . And that was enough for

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