Saturday, October 02, 2004


I've seen Alex and she looks like a slightly tired version
of Tyra Banks. All glammed up with dark circles under
her eyes, when she saw me:
"Oh Becks! I've missed you so much!" Then:"What's going
on with the hair? You look like a troll-doll."
"Never mind the hair! You alright? Ruthie filled me in."
I held her hand tightly.
"Sean is history! How could he be gay when he had me?
He says that he's always liked guys and he thought it might
work with a really pretty woman. But apparently not." Her
face was aghast, poor baby.
"I mean you never had any problems in the bedroom
department did you?" I hinted.
"Well I didn't think so! But he says that he was imagining I
was freaking Robbie Williams! Wrong colour for the start!
Men-I hate them." She lit a cigarette and inhaled deeply
blowing the smoke through her nose and managing to look
mean and sexy. I would just look like a tramp.
"Men are like cigarettes, they are bad for you, they smell
and when you take them out of the packaging there's usually
not Kingsize!" I laughed, Alex smirked sadly.
"Yeah and they've always running out of filters! Ah Becks, so
much for my American dream, all in tatters. Wished you'd
come to New York, you would have liked that."
"I would have! Another time, hey I can't believe Ruth split
up with the twins, they are lovely."
"I heard about them! Hmm maybe a double date if Ruth
hasn't worn them out!" She ran a hand through her relaxed,
highlighted hair.
"Not me! Alan would kill me, maybe Ruth will relent with
them, they are rather perfect." My eyes must have had
a dreamy cast.
"You seem smitten." Said Alex quietly.
"No, just horny, Alan's going through something again, I'm
hoping it's not Pru, because I will kill the bitch this time!"

As it happens-somebody got there before me.
Becka Martin


Foxsden said...

You've just stepped into another level.

The level of someone who knows someone named.......


Rainex said...

Ah she had it coming! (But it wasn't me!)