Thursday, March 24, 2005


I hate this nose-splint thingy, my nose is the
exact opposite of petite and now looks like
the rudder of the damned Titanic! Half
expect Leonardo and Kate to do that arm
stuff on it! Ruth is now very snivelly and
sorry for herself, but the best bit is she has
offered to cough up for a proper nose-job if
it heals funny. I expect I will forgive her-
in time. Alan is still furious, but he said he's
used to me letting him down by now, so that's
good isn't it?
Went to work at the counter, nobody wanted
me to make-up their faces for some unknown
reason (did they think it was catching?)
'Yes Madam, you look great, shall I extract a
tooth and black your eye for a contemporary feel,
no? Complementary nose splint if you spend over
fifty pound.' No they stayed away in droves.
Eventually after about half a dozen complaints
they sent Justine down to me. What a laugh!
At least I still had a pulse! You could feel the
temperature drop and Yvette Fielding would be
seeing orbs by now.
"Oh my gosh!" She said, that was enough! That
and the silly, irritating little half smile she gave
"Look I'm here and I'm working, so kindly get
back into your office and go down on your
woman or something." I love being me.
I began to frantically rotate some Nars nail
varnish, she stood dead (dead!) still staring at
me and grinning like someone had tickled her
"Becka, go home for fuck sake you look like
shit and your scaring the customers!" Still
grinning like a nit she was.
"No." I said:"I might look like Mickey Rourke
in Angel Heart, but I need my money and I'm
fit to work."
"Angela says you can have full pay, just sling
your hook you're making the place look ugly."
"Full pay?" I considered this:"I'll get my coat."
I conceded.
"Thought you would." She said smugly.
"You are such a bitch." I looked in the mirror,
what a nightmare, would I ever be pretty
"Who did it? Jealous lover? Oh so it was!"
She clapped her hands together in glee:"You
must tell me everything!" Nice to see I had
made her happy.
"I'd rather tell Angela that you are really straight
and just a gold digging whore." My turn to smile.
Her small perfect mouth stopped grinning and
set into a vicious little hook.
"I hate you." She whispered.
"Great, I always know where I am with you
"You're wrong about Angela, I do love her."
"You love money, Angie practically wipes her
arse on fivers everytime she takes a dump."
"You are a crude working class chav!"
She snarled showing her true Home County
colours true blue and full of shit.
"I resent that! I only wore Burberry when it was
in fashion, I'd already stopped when the rest got
on the bandwagon!"
"You have a veneer of sophistication, but that's
all it is, a front. Inside you are rotten. Your
face matches the inside now."
"Fuck you! Next time you are going to get
raped and killed remind me not to help you."
"I was the one who saved you remember? And
Angie helped of course!" She grinned again,
oh poo she was right! In my head I was the hero.
"Well yeah, ok, so I owe you one, still hate
you though." Imagine going down on her!
My lips would get frost bite!
"Mutal I'm sure, anyway I was going to ask
you for a favour." Her colourless eyes flashed
"Tell me more." I said, maybe I could pay back
my debt and her supernatural hold over me
would be over.
Becka (Beaky) M

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