Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Give Me Strength

SATC film is out and I feel strangely deflated.
This is because I loved the series and the film
was ok, but everyone seems to be out with the
knives this time. Whats that all about?

1./ Some people think that the story is shit
2./ Too many pretty clothes when we are in a
3./ Girls (ok ok) acting out of character
4./ Offensive to Islamic culture
5./ People are haters
6./ There is no six. Boy am I getting bored of no six.

I shall reserve judgment to the hype goes down
and people start pulling in their necks a bit.

ACT 2 Running from my arse

Ok this is totally sad but since ahem, I was
last here ages back, I have gained a little, I
mean , little, weight.

So enough with the pizzas and carrying my immense
rear around London, I have started to jog like a
bastard ! A bastard with a grudge an a hatred of
contol pants.

If I ever get laid again, I want a bum like a peach
not something resembling a bag of strained prunes.

Thats my goal lose the arse break the fast.


BTW I saw Alan in town the other day.

He didnt see me (luckily), I ran very fast
headlong into a terrified Traffic Warden who
thought I was attacking him.
Oh dear.
Alan looked scrummy, all silver haired foxiness.
I looked like someone running away from her own arse.

I have to say sadly I deleted the links to all my favourite
(noticed the way I spelt that with a U?)blog sites as it's been
so long you have probably all gone now. If you are still out
there guys (and you know who you bloody well are) I will re
add you to the blog (whats left of it that is).

1 comment:

Lindy said...

I'm here & hanging on your every word. As always till your next post! Love you, missed you. and too funny but the word verification is 'facksha'. Just the right word for you. If I didn't know better I would swear its a word you made up.