Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Handbags at dawn

Well curl my lip! Just when I thought my life could
only get better it gets-interesting! I met the lovely
Alex at The Twisted Gut last night, she'd arrived
before me looking very like Beyonce. Bitch.
She smiled ruefully at me:
"Come on razor-head tell me all about it!" I fell into
her arms, but laughing though.
"Alex why are you not with Sean? Time is precious
for you." Because he is leaving and I felt guilty.
" Because you needed me, anyway he will meet us
here in about an hour! Best of both worlds!"
We chinked glassed (she had bought me a brandy and
"Well your hair is nice." She looked amazed: You know
it's taken years off you! But grow it back eh? I like
you better with hair."
"I like 'me' better with hair! God did Ruth tell you
everything? Sex with The Shit? Me bumming Alan out?"
"Yeah, tragic stuff. I can understand the sex stuff, Jeff
was a definate hot bod (for a deviant). But poor Alan,
you know he's a really nice guy, you can't see that can
you? You want a guy to trash you and treat you like
"I might be a masochist where Jeff is concerned, but
only with him, I'd never let anyone else treat me so
"Listen to yourself! Nobody has the right to cause so
much hurt in your life. Nobody, not even me!"
We grinned at eachother (silly innit?) honestly I really
wish I was a guy or visa versa, Alex and Ruth are
top girls, I could do much worse. But my Gay-dar
never went off, not even briefly in my youth, sadly
and I do mean sadly, I'm straighter then a stick of
"Is'nt that Justine?" Said Alex, I turned to look and
was dismayed to see Estelle with her. They both
looked blonde, fluffy and lethal. When they saw me
they began to buzz like angry bees.
"How dare you show your face!" This was Estelle! I
don't know her well enough for her to insult me!
"This is my local, pee-off!" I said and turned to look
at Alex who looked really nervy.
"Do you know this skank phoned Jeff up in the middle
of the night?" Said Estelle to Justine who looked so
horrified I might as just as well have eaten a baby or
"Was that before or after you shagged him?" Asked
Mrs Big-Mouth Alex. Estelle screeched and made a
grab for my face with her long nails, Justine and Alex
being of the cowardly persuasion shrank into the
background. I hooked one of my legs around Estelle's
leg and with a quick slip of the hip, she was on her arse.
Thank you judo.
"These girls bothering you Becks?" Said Shirl who would
have been rolling up her sleeves (if she had any).
"As a matter of fact, they are."
"Enough said. Come on, you two OUT!" You did not
mess with Shirley, she could throw a drunk out with
one hand while changing a barrel with the other.
"It's her! The slag! She started it! She's been with
my man!" Spluttered Estelle, look rather worse for
wear from her arse-fall.
"Do you mean by any chance Jeff?" Said Shirl with
her hands on her hips.
"Yes I do!"
"Well I'll tell you lady (funny how she could make lady
sound like ' slut') Jeff has been her bloke for many
years. But she's well shot of him, go on get out!"
Shirley was like a locomotive she did'nt stop and if
she made contact-she hurt you.
Justine gave me a hate-filled glare, oh joy I would
have to work with her tomorrow! Then they were
gone, hurled into the night sky .
Alex nodded her thanks at Shirl then we burst out
We got steadily more drunk until Sean turned up
with surprize, surprize, Alan.
I had a bad moment of guilt when I realised I was
relieved that the blonde gits had'nt seen Alan. I
was not ashamed (much) of him, it's just Sean is so
pretty and so is Jeff! I could imagine what Justine
would have made of Alan. 'Oh my god he's so old!
Finally realised you are a loser Becka?'
We had a really nice time, the four of us, I wished
I could be the girl Alan wanted me to be. Someone
nice, someone sane. I could'nt. I have a bitch-
machine buried in my heart.
Then I felt guilty some more, especially when he
bought me drinks and later on, some chips.
You can imagine what work was like today, Justine
giving me the Medusa treatment, but for once she
kept her mouth shut. Good I might even like her that
way. Nah.
Becka (biggest baddest)Martin

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