Friday, September 02, 2005

DUST Part Three (Powder)

I felt that post orgasm thrum in my bladder, I
had to pee.
"Wait for me." I said to Alan, one day we would
be happy on the beach, in the sun, not a care.
We might, Alan was fairly well off and I'm good
at sitting on my arse. It could happen.
But that would not be today.
Definitely not.
I left Alan in one corridor and turning to find the
wc's , I practically collided with Mickey Straw.
"Mick!" I said (for that was his name).
His eyes were flinty and harsh, they had a new edge
to them that I had never seen before.
"Becks." He gripped me by the shoulders."I wondered
if I might see you here." He smirked, he seemed
pleased with himself as always.
"Well of course where else would I be when Patrick
might be dying!" The words said made me feel hollow
and sick and the urge to urinate was great.
"Excuse me will you? I have to find the ladies."
I tried to push past him.
"You don't know do you? Why Patrick's here."
"He's had a heart attack!" I snapped.
"Yeah, under mitigating circumstances, your Dads
in big trouble." That fucking smirk again.
"Tell me." I felt deflated, it was all coming to
a head now.
"Go and pee, I'll meet you here." Mickey commanded.
"Alan's waiting." I said weakly.
"Well let's not keep the man then! Hurry up girl."
Never have I peed so quickly.
"Well?" I said.
"Not here, the press are around, come on."
The Press? Oh all that stuff Catherine the Geek
had gone on about.
I felt torn really, I wanted to go back to Alan, but
I had to find out what was going on in Patrick's
life. That meant Mickey Straw, for someone who
had always made me feel safe and warm, he was
scaring the shit out of me now.
He pushed me into a staff lift.
"Up we go!" He said and his eyes had a twinkle,
next minute hands were down my top and
scrabbling at my waist band.
"Wait a minute! What are you doing? It's over
Straw get it?"
He laughed in my face.
"This is nothing love the calm before the storm."
His knee was parting my legs and his hand was
scrunching my breast like a sponge.
"Ouch! That hurts, tell me about Patrick!" I began
to punch and slap Mickey around the face.
Didn't last long.
He managed to get my arm up behind my back.
"Your Dad is in so much trouble they are going
to have to invent a different word for it!" He
thrust his hand down and opened his flies.
"Just give it a tug for old times sake hey love?"
I spat on it.
"Fuck you Copper!" I knew that he would hate
that and sure enough his attention was diverted.
"You bitch! Been around your swanky wanky
prick Alan too long haven't you? Always looking
down on the working man! Well baby I know
sooner or later you are going to come crawling
back. No matter, I'll think of a suitable punishment
for you." He laughed:"Patrick is punishment
for you in itself!"
"Mickey." I whispered my heart beating:"What is
going on please, I must know."
Mick lit a cigarette and passed it to me, in a
hospital too!
"Your Patrick Beamish has been a very bad boy!
Not only has he decided to become a high class
drugs baron, he's also addicted to the crap himself!"
I sat down in the lift, Pa a druggie.
"Coke?" I said.
"Nothing so coarse, get this your ole man is an
opium addict!"
So from dust to powder.
I began to cry.

Becka M


Anonymous said...

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Rainex said...

Many thanks anons!

butterflyuk said...

bad daddy..tut tut. Booked a place in detox centre?

Rainex said...

You should know be
by now Storm, I never rest!
Hi Butterflyuk, detox would
be good for me, ween me off
the fags for good!